
Sunday, 23 October 2011

Mshoza does a Michael Jackson

MSHOZA as she appears today. She is due for more treatment in December.

Mshoza as she was four years ago 
SHE’S the pantsula queen who hit the headlines for having surgery to enlarge her boobs, straighten her teeth and change her nose . . .
But now Mshoza has taken the extraordinary step of GOING WHITE!
She’s had her skin bleached as pale as umlungu – and says her goal is to look like Michael Jackson!
She began the costly process three months ago with a dermatologist in Sunninghill, Joburg.
The transformation needs daily pills and maintenance night and day. She’s spending R5 000 a month of cosmetic preparations and will have to return for more bleaching in December.
But she told Sunday Sun: “I love the fact that I look younger and my skin is clear.
“I want to be like Michael Jackson. I know that black is beautiful. I don’t hate
being black.

“I’m just enhancing my beauty. I loved myself when I was dark, and I love myself now that I’m lighter.”
The sexy singer – real name Nomasonto Mnisi – is 28 and married to millionaire Jacob Mnisi, who has been footing the bill for all her surgery.

Said Mshoza: “I asked my husband before the whole procedure and he agreed.”
And Mnisi confirmed: “I loved her the way she was, and I love her the way she is now.”
Her family has also been supportive –
although her mother-in-law thinks she’s
possessed by demons!

Mshoza told Sunday Sun whenever she walks in the street people look at her with admiration.
So is there a downside?

Apart from the cost and maintenance, Mshoza must use sunscreen and an umbrella whenever she goes outdoors to protect her skin from the sun and to stop it getting darker again.
“If I stand in the sun too long I feel like my skin is burning and shrinking.”
And Mshoza revealed she has plenty more plans for her body.
“I still have to do my bum and calves and tighten my thighs!


  1. Idon't like Mshoza's new look it sucks

  2. I used to like Mshoza the way way she was and the new sucks bid time. I think she is torn apart inside & wants bleaching kak to heal that pain.

    What happens when the husband decides to break up with her, who gone maintain the pale ugly skin.I feel sorry for her.

  3. this is just sad..i get that she's trying to make herself more attractive but why the skin lightning?..she was okay just as she was shame kodwa-ke its her choice (and money or rather husband's cash)..let her do what feels right for her cos she seems to be loving more thing thogh please show her a picture of Donnatella Versace

  4. the reason why mshoza looks good lightskin is cause, she has a good personality so their for her lightskin doesn't look scary on her. it looks good. she was alwhays pretty& still is. me& my twin sister lighten up our skincolor jus like mshoza did. my mom said it looks good on me& my sister, my brother said the same. even doe he loves his darksin. my little sister wishes to be lighter, she got brownskin& is no longer darkskin in some way she's happy. me& my twin sister our fraternal twins. acccept mshoza bleach ehr skincolor, the skin lightening product we use doesn't have hydroquine,bleach& no chemicals. it's made from all natural plants which are very healthy. i even lighten up my lips. cause, they were so black now there pink.
