
Kaliwise Oil

Kaliwise Oil Is one of South Africa’s leading lubricant companies, which has firmly established itself as a manufacturer of premium quality Lubricants serving a diverse range of industries. Kaliwise Oil is a BBBEE fully compliant South African company which is rated and at Kaliwise Oil we are proud to be part of the transformation process.

Products formulated in our well equipped modern manufacturing facility are subjected to the most stringent quality control procedures by the companies’ laboratory staff who also offer technical support to our clients including: sample analysis, condition monitoring, product formulations and the continuous research and development of new grades. At Kaliwise Oil we believe there is no substitute for quality that's why we only produce premium Lubricant products that are subjected to extensive testing and quality control.

lubrication service 

Kaliwise Oil is recognized for cutting-edge technology and high-quality products. Lubrication is the art of reducing friction between rubbing or rolling surfaces. In the recent past two terminologies have gained currency - Tribology, the science of Rubbing; Rheology, the study of stream or flow. 


Phumlani Mqadi
079 194 8920