In a written reply to a parliamentary question on the matter, police minister Nathi Mthethwa said that Cele had used the company jet 47 times by the thirtieth of May.
Most of the flights were domestic, but he also flew to Malawi, Angola, Namibia, and Zimbabwe, Mthethwa said.
Rather pointlessly, the Democratic Alliance’s Dianne Kohler Barnard put out a statement calling for the dismissal of the chief of police and “original gangsta”.
Mthethwa wouldn’t disclose the nature of the trips, nor could he say why Cele didn’t use commercial flights.
In the DA’s statement Kohler Barnard says:
This latest revelation underscores the disregard that Commissioner Cele has repeatedly displayed for accountability, professional conduct, and prudent use of State funds.In less than one month, Cele spent more than R150 000 on three trips from OR Tambo to Cape Town. It would have cost a tenth of that had he been flying business class.
It is unclear what more evidence President Jacob Zuma needs before Commissioner Cele is dismissed.
It seems that Bheki is invincible. Man how cool would it be to be him, and care as little as he does.
[Source : News24]
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