
Sunday, 15 May 2011

ANCYL Website Hacked. Again… Again.

13 May 2011
ANCYL Website Hacked. Again… Again.
The ANCYL’s website has been suffering a plethora of minor hack attacks over the course of the last 24 hours – and by “hack attack” we don’t mean pithy insults by liberal journalists.
Yesterday evening the landing page of looked like this:
This morning, a post on the ANCYL website titled “ANCYL National Working Committee statement on President Helen Zilla’s comments about Land Reform and Nationalisation of Mines” named “Helen Zilla” as the ANC President.
Click for larger version
Attempts to reach ANCYL spokesperson, Floyd Shivambu were, as is par for the course, met with a startled “Hello?”, at which point the word “journalist” was mentioned, quickly followed by muffled noises, and the ubiquitous telephone receiver tone.

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