
Monday, 23 May 2011

Apple iPhone 5 to Adopt Curved Cover Glass Design

Every time the grapevine comes out with something new, we tend to look at the details discussed and try to put together all possibilities that could come real when the device actually would come to our midst.  What we hear of late is that the iPhone 5 would possibly come with a curved design!
Apple iPhone 5 to Adopt Curved Cover Glass Design
It is being said that Apple will adopt ‘curved cover glass’ form factor for their next generation iPhone. A Digitimes report almost confirms this. Further, it is not yet known as to what type of final design the curved cover glass iPhone would sport. Now, that makes us go back in time and think a bit about earlier rumors that had spoken about the iPhone 5 coming with a similar form factor as the earlier iPhone 4. We guess we will have to go by the new revelations now.
It is also being said that high capital could force glass makers to not commit investment on purchasing glass cutting equipment. However, Apple has reportedly bought 200-300 glass cutting machines so that glass makers can put them to use. Now that’s good strategy, indeed. Don’t you think so?
We believe the curved glass design is getting to be a reality, by all means. However, Apple hasn’t set any deadline for the mass production of the device. From what we get to know, the Cupertino major is “working with related suppliers including those involved in cover glass, glass cutting, lamination and touch sensors to improve yield rates”.

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