
Monday, 27 June 2011

Another Zuma relative nets R1m

si gcaba

THE BUSINESS: One of the Gcaba brothers, Mandla, whose company was awarded a R859 560 contract to organise transport for this year s Police Day celebrations. 

Another family member of President Jacob Zuma is caught-up in an SAPS payment storm after he was paid about R1 million as a transport consultant for a job that could have been done for free by the police supply chain management.
The Sunday Independent can today reveal that the SAPS outsourced the procurement of transport for the Police Day event held in Soweto on January 28 to Amandla Emicabango Investments (AEI), a company owned by Mandlakapheli Eric Gcaba, for R859 560. On top of the payment AEI was to charge a 10 percent administrative handling fee on all transport vehicles procured and used for the event. The job was not advertised or contested by other firms. [iol]

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