
Monday, 27 June 2011

Monday Babalaz

David Cameron’s Local Tory Chairman Dead In Glastonbury Toilet -
David Cameron said he was “devastated” to hear of the death of Christopher Shale, his constituency chairman, who apparently committed suicide in a portable toilet at Glastonbury Festival. [telegraph]

New York Biggest State To Legalise Gay Marriage – Lawmakers voted late Friday to legalize same-sex marriage, making New York the largest state where gay and lesbian couples will be able to wed and giving the national gay-rights movement new momentum from the state where it was born. [newyorktimes]

Walmart Immediately Cuts Prices- Six days after United States giant retailer Walmart completed its acquisition of a controlling stake in Massmart, it started advertising price cuts and new business opportunities for South Africa. An eight page colour advertisement in the Sunday Times newspaper was South Africa’s first introduction to the Walmart brand. [independent]

Zuma Warns NATO About Gaddafi Vibe- South African President Jacob Zuma on Sunday warned Nato against using its military campaign in Libya for the “political assassination” of Muammar Gaddafi, at the start of talks on the war. Zuma warned the alliance against overstepping its mandate. [mail&guardian]

The Winkelvoss Twins Ain’t Stopping- As the old saying goes, it ain’t over until it’s over. And Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss are not finished with Facebook yet. The dramatic seven-year legal feud that inspired “The Social Network” may have one last plot twist. The Olympic rowers are pressing their case in federal court in Boston that Facebook did not turn over important information during litigation. [latimes]

University Of Free State Gives Oprah Honorary Doctorate - A central South African university known for fraught race relations awarded an honorary education doctorate to Oprah Winfrey Friday, and her visit was welcomed as an acknowledgment of the progress the institution has made toward tolerance. [associated]

8-Year Old Girl Become Suicide Bomber Without Knowing - An eight-year-old Afghan girl was killed when a bag of explosives given to her by Taliban insurgents exploded as she approached a police outpost in southern Afghanistan. [rte]

New App Makes Facebook Look Like Excel Spreadsheet - Diesel has taken time away from making jeans for hot girls to continue its celebration of stupidity with its Be Stupid at Work app. The app makes Facebook look like an Excel spreadsheet, allowing you to continue circulating unfunny memes when you should be working. [adweek]

Seagull Video Camera Snatch Video Goes Viral – So this video has gone viral on the world wide web. It’s of a seagull stealing a GoPro video camera, while it is still recording. So the video is the footage taken in the sky, hanging from the seagull’s beak. It’s pretty rad – big debate about if it’s not a stunt by GoPro. [mashable]

Homeless Man Late To Pick up Large Inheritance – A homeless man who disappeared on his way to collect a $100,000 inheritance has finally turned up – saying the bus to New York broke down. He was expected in Albany bus station yesterday where his cousin Richard Goldfarb was waiting. But when he failed to appear, Mr Goldfarb began to get worried.[dailymail]

Filipino Nurse Picks Up $34 Million Inheritance - A Filipino-American nurse who had become a “friend and loyal companion” to a reclusive copper mining heiress (Huguette Clark) has inherited $34 million from her late employer’s estate, while the heiress’ relatives will get nothing. [manilastandard]

Euromillions Lottery Jackpot Might Be ‘The Biggest Ever” - The Euromillions lottery has rolled over for a fourth time and is currently sitting at EUR1 134 Million. In Rands, that comes to R1.3 Billion. The draw for that money is on Tuesday night. You can buy tickets to the Euromillions lottery safely and securely online at.. [2oceansvibeLOTTOS]

Scientists Use Maths To Find HIV Achilles Heel – Scientists using a powerful mathematical tool previously applied to the stock market have identified an Achilles heel in HIV that could be a prime target for AIDS vaccines or drugs. The research adds weight to a provocative hypothesis—that an HIV vaccine should avoid a broadside attack and instead home in on a few targets. [wallstreetjournal]

Daniel Craig Marries Rachel Weisz – Bond star Daniel Craig has married Oscar-winning actress Rachel Weisz, Craig’s publicist has confirmed. Craig, 43, the sixth actor to play the coveted secret agent role, is reported to have married Weisz, 41, at a private ceremony in New York. [bbc]

Lulzsec Hackers Disbanding – LulzSec, which gained wide recognition for breaching the websites of Sony Corp, the CIA and a British police unit among other targets, said in a statement that it had accomplished its mission to disrupt corporate and government bodies for entertainment. The group announced it was disbanding on Saturday. [reuters]

Chris Brown And Rihanna Back In The Mix – “You got that pic I sent you?” That’s the tweet that is going to be heard ’round the world this week. Chris Brown shot the 140 characters or less over to his ex-girlfriend Rihanna over the weekend, but removed the post — most likely meant for Direct Message via Twitter. [popeater]

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