
Thursday, 9 June 2011

Phuza Thursday

9 June 2011

Barbie Is Destroying The Rainforests – Greenpeace said on Wednesday it had evidence that Barbie doll packaging comes from Indonesian rainforests, accusing toy manufacturers such as Mattel and Walt Disney Co of contributing to the country’s rapid deforestation. [reuters]

Gaddafi Has An ‘Official Rape Policy’ - Investigators have evidence that Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi ordered mass rapes and bought containers of “Viagra-type” drugs to encourage troops to attack women, the chief ICC prosecutor said on Wednesday. Luis Moreno-Ocampo said he may ask for a new charge of mass rape to be made against Gaddafi following the new evidence. [mail&guardian]

SA’s ‘Youngest Billionaire’ Denied Bail – South Africa’s “youngest billionaire” was denied bail by the Orlando Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday, the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) said. Spokesperson Mthunzi Mhaga said Mandla Lamba would appear again on June 27. He said Lamba was denied bail because he was considered a flight risk. [news24]

Cameron Diaz And Prince Harry Are Gym Buddies - Cameron Diaz has reportedly landed herself an unlikely gym buddy in the form of Prince Harry. After the 38-year-old actress is said to have bumped into the royal after joining an exclusive private members’ gym in South Kensington, London, whilst filming new movie Gambit. [mandc]

How To Upgrade Your iPhone Before Official Launch Date - One day and iOS 5 has been hacked already. Gizmodo reader and Apple lover Mert Erdir has discovered how to upgrade to iOS 5 without developer accounts, using a simple backdoor. Everyone can do it following these extremely simple instructions. [gizmodo]

Weiner’s Wife Is Pregnant – Their marriage has become the subject of intense speculation and scrutiny amid an embarrassing online sex scandal. Now, Representative Anthony D. Weiner and Huma Abedin are about to make news of a different kind: they are expecting their first child. [nytimes]

Weiner’s Penis Photo Emerges - When the world first saw American Lawmaker. Anthony Weiner’s briefs-clad dong, the conclusion was a low, slow whistle and a knowing “Niiiice.” But Weiner’s alleged naked wiener picture—as tweeted by radio host Anthony Cumia—is less impressive. (Albeit impeccably groomed.) [gawker]

Apple Planning ‘Spaceship’ Headquarters – Apple plans to build a circular “spaceship” building in the company’s home town, Cupertino, that will hold 12,000 employees – and be the best office building in the world, chief executive Steve Jobs said. He made his second public appearance in two days late on Tuesday in the US to show off plans to the city council of Cupertino, which is in California. [smh]

Enormous Penis Located On Google Maps - Technology! Without it, we’d never be able to immortalize huge penises drawn on school lawns with weed killer. But thanks to the efforts of Google, a 2009 prank at Fairfield College in New Zealand lives on, much to the chagrin of principal Gerhard van Dyk. [gawker]

Two New Elements Added To Periodic Table - It’s time for scholars and fans of applied science to update their periodic tables after more than a decade’s wait: Two elements officially have been added. “Elements 114 and 116 were discovered more than 10 years ago by a team from Livermore and Russia,” said Anne M. Stark, a spokeswoman for the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) in California. “They have just been accepted into the periodic table.” Sick! [washtotimes]

96-Year-Old Woman Confesses To 1946 Murder - A murder mystery has been solved — 65 years later — with the confession of a 96-year-old woman. The 1946 killing of Felix Gulje, the head of a construction company who at the time was being considered for a high political post, roiled the Netherlands, and the failure to find the assassin became a point of contention among political parties. [associated]

Thursday Is “Vote For Table Mountain” Day - Table Mountain is at the bottom of the final 28, in the running to be one of the new seven wonders of nature. Table Mountain needs YOU to vote at least every Thursday. We need 30 million votes to make the final 7.  You can vote on the website or by SMSing the word ‘table’ to 34874 (SMS cost R2). You can vote once on the website and as many times as you want on SMS. come on, gang, let’s do this thing!  []

Pippa Middleton Loses Butt Of The Year Award – Pippa Middleton lost out to Countdown queen Carol Vorderman for the coveted Rear of the Year Award. Pippa Middleton’s figure created a sensation following the Royal Wedding in April and there was much speculation as to whether she would be taking the award for top botty. [express]

The Most Expensive Yachts On Charter - Superyacht owners have been known to make the world a playground for their luxury boats, but now they are available on charter. This list provides an insight into these superyachts and their specialties, which make them unique for numerous reasons (includes Johnny Depp’s yacht). [bornrich]

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