
Friday, 3 June 2011

Playboy SA Editor Resigned Over Moral Qualms

 3 June 2011

Playboy SA Editor Resigned Over Moral Qualms

In the most ironic professional move since Cope’s formation as an answer to political party infighting and corruption, the editor of Playboy South Africa has resigned, citing concerns that the magazine would descend into smut and vice.
Peter Piegl presided over a full three issues of the magazine, before resigning, citing objections over distribution of the magazine for sale in sex shops.
This, from TimesLive:
“My vision is that it is a lifestyle magazine, not a skin magazine,” Piegl said yesterday.
Piegl, 38, posted on Facebook that his editorial vision was being “compromised” by negotiations about having the magazine distributed in sex shops.
The magazine’s general manager, Karen von Wielligh, confirmed that the publishers had signed a three-month deal with the Adultworld sex shop chain, but said this would not detract from the magazine’s “classiness”.
Reports that Piegl has applied for an editing position at the forthcoming Associated Magazines title, Good Housekeeping, are as yet unconfirmed.

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