
Friday, 10 June 2011

Thank God its Friday

10 June 2011

Happy Birthday, Prince Phillip! – The Queen’s husband, Prince Phillip, turns 90 today. We dig Phillip’s vibe, here at 2oceansvibe – in particular his long list of famous quotes an gaffes, which have kept us laughing our heads off for decades. Follow the link for 90 Prince Phillip quotes that will knock your socks off. Happy birthday, old bean! [independent]

Gaddafi Is Now Officially A NATO Target - A U.N. resolution justifies the targeting of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, a senior NATO military official with operational knowledge of the Libya mission told CNN Thursday. The resolution applies to Gadhafi because, as head of the military, he is part of the control and command structure and therefore a legitimate target. [cnn]

Caster Semenya Finishes Third - Halima Hachlaf of Morocco held off Russia’s Mariya Savinova and Caster Semenya to win the women’s 800m at the Diamond League Oslo meet yesterday. The 20-year-old Semenya is battling to rediscover her form after having to undergo a gender test following her victory in the 800m at the 2009 worlds. [timeslive]

Internet Traffic To Quadruple By 2015 - Global Internet traffic is expected to quadruple between 2010 and 2015, according to data provided to Mashable by Cisco. By that time, nearly 3 billion people will be using the Internet — more than 40% of the world’s projected population. On average, there will be more than two Internet connections for each person on Earth, driven by the proliferation of web-enabled mobile devices. [mashable]

Hilary Clinton To Head Up World Bank? – U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been in discussions with the White House about leaving her job next year to become head of the World Bank. The former first lady and onetime political rival to President Barack Obama quickly became one of the most influential members of his Cabinet after she began her tenure at State in early 2009. [ibtimes]

Kim Kardashian To Sue Magazine For Running Cheating Story – So there is this NFL player in the US, Bret Lockett, who contacted a tabloid magazine with a sworn story and claims of photographic evidence, that he had been conducting a sexual relationship with Kim Kardashian during her time with new Fiance, Kris Humphries. She says it’s rubbish. He says play me. [tmz]

World’s Richest Dog Dies - Trouble, who was 12, drew fame and vituperation when her adoring owner, the billionaire real estate and hotel tycoon Leona Helmsley, bequeathed $12 million to her. The public loved to hate Mrs. Helmsley, called the Queen of Mean and seen as emblematic of 1980s excess, and the public came to loathe Trouble after Mrs. Helmsley died in 2007 and news broke of the dog’s windfall. [nytimes]

Rothschild Tiara Sells For £1 Million - A dazzling pearl and diamond tiara once owned by a celebrated member of Britain’s de Rothschild empire on Wednesday sold at a London auction for £1,161,250. The bejewelled item belonged to Hannah de Rothschild, whom was at one time the richest woman in Britain and whom went on to marry dashing aristocrat and future prime minister the Earl of Rosebery. [luxuo]

Why Sean Penn Kicked Scarlett Johansson To Touch - US magazines report that Penn, 50, broke up with Scarlett Johansson, 25, after five months because he has not wanted anything “serious” since his 2010 divorce from Robin Wright, adding, “Scarlett pursued him.” But that’s not all – apparently she got between him and De Niro. Not. Cool. [usmagazine]

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