
Monday, 6 June 2011

Whites Never Voted For The ANC: Malema

6 June 2011

Whites Never Voted For The ANC: Malema
I can’t help it. I have to write about this. It’s too good not to write about. Insanity is always funny. In this case the insanity comes once more from the king’s jester, Julius. He said yesterday that he didn’t drive white people away from voting for the ANC, because they never voted for the ANC in the first place.
These were his actual words:
I never drove them away. They have never voted for us.
They never voted for Mandela in 1994 and they never voted for Thabo Mbeki.
Malema made his comments during the KwaZulu-Natal ANC Youth League (ANCYL) provincial general congress at the Durban City Hall.
ANC secretary general, Gwede Mantashe, conceded soon after the May 18 local government elections that there may well have been white people who didn’t vote for the ANC due to Malema’s comments which “appeared racist”.
Mantashe said that:
Comments that are a departure from ANC policy, do not do good for the ANC.
Malema then made a statement that, on the surface seems pretty stupid and patronising, but if you think about it, it’s a little bit scary. He said:
South Africa belongs to both blacks and whites. We freed them and we will continue protecting them.
Who are they protecting whites from exactly? In other words: If whites weren’t being protected by the ANC, who would they be in danger from? Do you see where I’m going with this?
[Source : News24]

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