
Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Top ten bottles to pop in a club,Strictly for Ballers!

10. Absolute Vodka - Entry level swagg in a club but adds alot of class and gets the necessary attention. Buy two bottles though so you don't look cheap.
9.  Moet Champagne - Thee bottle to have when you're celebrating your birthday in a club. Everyone knows what it is and will know that your bday aint just an ordinary bday but a ballers one!!!

8. Ace Of Spades - When you clinch a huge deal this is what you pop. Spill a whole bottle on some girls, drink from the bottle.
7.  Martell - For more of the mature mense but if you're young it sets you apart from the rest. This is the classy kind of swagg, it's not loud but it's noticed.

6. Hennessy - Don't get the classic bottle, there's a new design that will get you mad points with the ladies and eyes from the haters. This is also more about class than going wild but
5. Patron - The classy kind of tequilla everybody wants and everyone respects. The most noticeable brand in the club.
4. Ciroc Vodka - The new boy on the block endorsed by Diddy & owned by him. This sets you apart from the rest,
3. Remy Martin - You're classy all over again with a bigger price tag to your name. Set yourself apart from the Martell and Hennessy followers and set the new trend with this.
2. Belvedere - The long nosed reindeer shows people you can really make it rain here. With this bottle on your table you can never lose. Never lose ladies and you won't lose them haters either... But that's a good thing.
1. Grey Goose - Extraordinary, delicious and exquisite and top of the food chain when it comes to swagg and being the king in popping them bottles. Three bottles of Grey Goose and you got the club owner sucking your d*ck, the girls going crazy doing anything you want them to and the haters giving respect.

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