
Saturday, 20 August 2011

5 People Who Need To SHUT UP!

*puts on MOM dress*
1. Hush Club Management and whoever manages their Twitter account

Whoever is running the account needs to have their fingers chopped off. You are doing more damage than good. At this point, whether Minnie was wrong or not doesn’t matter to me as a neutral outsider. What matters is that a woman was assaulted in your institution during Woman’s month and instead of taking responsibility, you guys are labeling her a liar and suggesting she’s xenophobic. Maybe she is… but she didn’t assault herself. Someone did. Maybe not an employee of yours but it happened on your watch. The damage has been done, she suffered, your name has been tainted somewhat but I believe you can still fix this.
Call Minnie in, better yet, go to her, sit down with her and apologise for this mess. Pay her doctor’s fees back the same way you were willing to pay for her alcohol. Right now your potential and current clients are waiting for your reassurance that such an incident will not happen again and that they are safe in your club. Something that your arrogant statement failed to do. Please behave like a business, not like a spoilt child with pride and ego, as displayed by your Official Tweets.

2. Khanyi Mbau

The self proclaimed Queen of Bling took to twitter to tell Theunis Crous to stop calling her.

Khanyi also tweeted a “screen capture” of Theunis’ number to prove that she indeed got a call from him.
Khanyi sisi, this was not necessary. If you don’t want to speak to Theunis anymore then tell him you don’t want to speak to him, don’t tell us. Whether or not you really meant it when you said he shouldn’t call you, posting this on Twitter screams “I want attention”. I understand how Twitter can pull you in and make you want to share details of your life, damn, I suffer from that too so I can overlook this.. BUT Your tweets to Primrose? LOW!

If her husband is the one who called you because “he still wants you back” as your tweet suggests, why harass Primrose about it on Twitter? As someone who likes you, I am disappointed by this behaviour. Especially because you have been giving off this image of “I’ve changed, I’ve grown, I’m a new person”... I guess this proves that the change has to happen inside first because if’ that’s the case, such slip ups won’t happen.
And whoever is doing your PR or is your manager, Please tell them I said they’re USELESS. They shouldn’t be allowing such things to happen, especially given this new image we are being sold.
Now calm down sisi and count to 10 before you try post another Twitter Expose. Rather tell us when your book is coming out, kudala silindile.

3. Primrose and Theunis Crous

So you guys are going to JUMP every time Khanyi says JUMP?
Would it have killed you to just ignore her tweets and discuss them between the two of you and those who matter in your lives?  I’ve said this before and I will REPEAT:
You cannot control what Khanyi says about you, you can’t control what people assume based on what she says, you cannot change our perceptions that you two are a childish couple who enjoy the attention you get from all this but what you CAN do is to work on your relationship, your marriage and make sure that it is not shaken again.
Work on your union, that’s what mattters. If you’re gonna go around trying to put out the fires Khanyi lights up on TWITTER (not even in your HOME), then you are going to be very busy because after Khanyi it will be someone else. Now please, IGNORE Khanyi, block her, mute her on Twitter (tip: mute her name and mute her again as a keyword), so that you never get to see anything said about her or by her on that network. Even if those silly twitter people tag you on her tweets.

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