
Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Billionaire Funding Construction Of Artificial, Libertarian Islands

Billionaire Funding Construction Of Artificial, Libertarian Islands

Don’t worry, the artificial libertarian islands will have better names than that. Peter Thiel, founder of PayPal and early Facebook investor, has given $1,25 million to an initiative to build libertarian island states in international waters. Because that’s what you do when you’re a 43-year-old gay libertarian with money to kill, I guess.
Working with former Google engineer Patri Friedman, Thiel has started putting together architectural plans for a prototype diesel-powered, 12,000-ton island structure with room for 270 residents, which could be linked with more structures as the initiative expands.
From an interview with Details:
Friedman hopes to launch a flotilla of offices off the San Francisco coast next year; full-time settlement, he predicts, will follow in about seven years; and full diplomatic recognition by the United Nations, well, that’ll take some lawyers and time.
“The ultimate goal,” Friedman says, “is to open a frontier for experimenting with new ideas for government.”
So, you know. If the early Facebook investors didn’t seem like Bond villains to you before.
[Source: Details]

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