
Sunday, 14 August 2011

Warren Buffett And Donald Trump Are Loving The Turbulent World Markets

Warren Buffett And Donald Trump Are Loving The Turbulent World Markets

World financial markets might be in turmoil and investors might be discarding shares at any opportunity, but, there is always the exception to the rule. Warren Buffett and Donald Trump are just two of these exceptions to the rule. The two financial moguls are actually having a good old time of things at the moment.
Here is what Donald has to say about his new monopoly-board-game-like acquisitions:
You wouldn’t believe it. I bought Bank of America, I bought Citi. I bought, you know, two troubled companies that I think have an upside, let’s see what happens.
Caterpillar, Intel, Johnson and Johnson, Proctor and Gamble [too]. I love these companies. I’ve watched them for years and I’ve never owned stock in them.
Because that’s how he rolls.
Mr Buffett says he’s “never been better” and that this sort of thing is exactly what he looks for. His strategy is simple:
The lower things go, the more I buy. We are in the business of buying.
Earlier in the week, the Federal Reserve announced that it will keep US interest rates extremely low until at least mid-2013. Calmly, Buffett dismissed any problem with this:
I don’t really think about things like that. US Treasuries are still triple-A in that there is no question that we will repay the interest and the principal.
Every contract will be repaid. So our bonds are triple-A. Our currency, the dollar, is not triple-A. Our bonds are.
He didn’t say exactly what he was buying but did mention he was also planning on selling some Berkshire Hathaway bonds (one of his holding companies which is apparently capitalised to the tune of $40 billion in short term Treasuries), to take advantage of the cheap capital market.
[Sources: BusinessInsider, CNNMoney]

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