
Wednesday, 7 September 2011

ANC Wants Youth League “Culprits” To Be Identified

ANC Wants Youth League “Culprits” To Be Identified

The ANC wants to know which ANCYL supporters were so vocal last week around the Julius Malema disciplinary hearing. And it’s not so they can hand out prizes for enthusiasm. Provincial leaders have been instructed to identify the culprits who caused chaos at Luthuli House and surrounds in support of Juju.
The ANC’s North West provincial leadership has announced an initiative threatening action against league supporters involved in the demonstrations which took place during much of last week.
This seems to be another indication of the ruling party’s intent to crack down on the radical behaviour of the youth league and its supporters. While I doubt Julius is shaking in his boots about that in particular (he’s got bigger fish to fry right now), it is a fairly revealing sign of current sentiment within the ANC.
[Source: Business Day]

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