
Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Kenny Kunene's new reality show So What?...Oh & Loyiso Gola stunt!

Kenny Kunene_champagne
Kenny Kunene popping champagne on Thursday night.

Just when you thought the week's biggest news would be the Rugby World Cup and Julius Malema's exploits, it turns out there's much more juicy news on the scene.

As you may know, SABC1 announced that Kenny Kunene's new reality show So What? would be starting on the channel this Thursday (8 September). They sent out news about it, the premiere date was confirmed and next thing wham - snatched it. hosted a bash on Thursday night to announce that the channel would be debuting the series as the third of three new reality shows. The other two are Blame It On Fame - which starts tonight - and a new Zola reality show called Rolling with Zola, which starts on Sunday 25 September at 18h30.[TVSA]

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