
Friday, 30 September 2011

Kenny Kunene’s Eda Rose Put On Blast

Kenny Kunene’s SO WHAT reality show premiered on Saturday night and set twitter and Facebook alight with comments about Kenny’s lifestyle. Through everything that was said as feedback, one message was clear: We will ALL be tuning in again next week to see what Kenny gets up to. He’s a man with nothing to lose, he does what he wants, says what he wants and lives his life. That’s what makes a reality show interesting. In my eyes.
When people spottted Eda Rose (YFM Traffic girl and breakfast show co-host) as Kenny’s date for Dudu Zuma’s wedding they reacted with shock. I wasn’t shocked because we had already posted this picture of them together back in May. Read HERE.
What shocked me though, was hearing Gayton refer to Eda as Kenny’s girlfriend. That made me go TJO! She must be around 21 -22! This shocked most of the people who were watching as well so the next day Eda Rose went on Bonang’s YFM show and denied that she was dating Kenny, saying they were friends or whatever… Her co-host Sol tweeted “Girl friend” implying that she was just his friend but to me it meant he was embarassed on her behalf. Understandably so.
One of the Sunday papers also mentioned that Eda had tried to get her role in the reality show edited out as she wasn’t with Kenny anymore.. .something along those lines.
Gayton McKenzie, Kenny’s friend, business partner and So What Co-star went to twitter this morning to set the record straight about the relationship between Kenny and Eda Rose.[Justcurious]

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