
Monday, 19 September 2011

Russian Oligarch Sucker-Punched By Rival Billionaire On Talk Show

    Independent and Evening Standard owner, Alexander Lebedev showed up in an interview on Russian TV with fellow super-rich-Russian, Sergei Polonsky last night. Apparently Polonsky came off threatening, because midway through the interview, Lebedev’s KGB training kicked in, at which point he proceeded to beat the Russian oligarch.
    Say the folks over at the Guardian:
    Polonsky, once ranked Russia’s 40th richest man, had said he wanted to “stick one in the mouth” of Lebedev. In the clip posted on the NTV channel’s website, Polonsky was sent tumbling to the floor and Lebedev then stood over him in a crouched fighting stance.The newspaper baron said later that he had been reacting to Polonsky’s threatening manner. The colourful proprietor was quoted as saying: “In a critical situation, there is no choice. I see no reason to be hit with the first shot. I neutralised him.”
    Great job, Russia.
    [Source: Guardian]

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