
Thursday, 15 September 2011

Swizz Beatz Cheating On Alicia Already!

Bathong… the shock is just beyond me... I can”t believe Swizz Beatz is cheating on Alicia Keys already.
Okay, he’s apparently been chatting to this girl called Christina Elizabeth on BBM, she lost her phone, it landed in the wrong hands and now have their entire chat history.
Read THISarticle for all the gossip.
Swizz Beatz and Alicia Keyz dismissed this as rubbish on their Twitter accounts but Bossip also has a capture of Chris’s tweets where she admitted that she lost her phone and that those BBM posted on Bossip came from her phone. What a dumbo. Or is she!
Here are the BBM chats that left me shaking… TOO real and nje Swizz sounds like a scrub, hasn’t he got money of his own? It sounds like even booking a flight for this girl is a problem… SMH.
They were kind enough to copy it all! 
check out [Justcurious]

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