
Friday, 30 September 2011

Two SABC Officials Allegedly Arrested After Not Paying Prostitutes

Two SABC Officials Allegedly Arrested After Not Paying Prostitutes
Please notice the “allegedly” up there. Reports claim that two senior officials at the SABC have been arrested in London after refusing to pay two prostitutes for their services; the two men were in the UK for a business school initiative set up between South African and British academic boards.
To be fair, I don’t pay my TV license either.
An SABC boardmember had to intervene to keep the two men out of jail – both of whom have been deported back to South Africa, cutting their London trip short, but before they managed to burn through their R400 000 allowance.
Given that most of these claims are coming in from The Sowetan without much reporting from other news sources, throw in a pinch of salt here, but I’m inclined to take it at face value. Which is to say, great job, SABC.
[Source: The Sowetan]

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