
Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Winklevoss Twins Are Still Driving Zuckerburg Nuts

Winklevoss Twins Are Still Driving Zuckerburg Nuts

The dispute between Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerburg has still not been put out to pasture.  The disgruntled Winklefaces are currently starring in a terribly clever TV ad during which they take a dig at Zuckerburg for stealing their social network idea.  In other news, the ad is for pistachio nuts.
In the commercial, Cameron/Tyler opens a pistachio nut with one hand, and the other twin comments, “Hey, that’s a good idea… cracking it like that, it could be huge”.
The other replies: “Think someone will steal it?”, before they both ask in unison: “Who’d do that?”.
Although the twins have not appealed a June 2011 Supreme Court ruling which upheld the $65m settlement awarded to them, they obviously believe that people will find them amusing in this commercial.
[Source: Independent]

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