
Wednesday, 12 October 2011

SA Aviation Authority Gives Go Ahead For WiFi In Planes

    SA Aviation Authority Gives Go Ahead For WiFi In Planes
    The drought is over.
    Mark this day down in your calender, kids. 12 October 2011 is the date you’ll always remember, for making domestic air travel in South Africa that much less excrutiating.
    Air travel, meet online content streaming. Online content streaming, meet air travel.
    Here are le facts:
    WirelessG announced today that the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has approved WirelessG & Row 44’s application to install its in-flight Wi-Fi enabling equipment on board South African Commercial Aircraft. This will enable WirelessG to operate its G-Connect broadband services aboard commercial aircraft in South African skies. “Although we still await quality assurance of the final installation, the CAA is proud to announce its consent for the use of this technology in South Africa especially as it is a South African company that will exclusively offer the service.” says Subash Devkaran, Senior Manager: Aircraft Certification at CAA.
    I’m sure a lot of you cool cats will be traveling with your laptops, and various technological bricabrac, including tablets, smartphones, and what have you.
    Feel like delving into a little radio while traveling? Why not
    Feel like catching a little quiality television? Of course
    Chicken or beef? No my friends, I’ll have the internet!

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