
Monday, 14 November 2011

There is a high correlation between Body Fat and Wealth

In South Africa this is so true, Wealth is directly proportional to Body Fat...Look at most politicians, BEE Superstars, Entrepreneurs etc. Tips for girls that don't wanna starve...Date men that have a lot of Body fat and u will have a joyous life. Thin men hate on body fat saying it ain't healthy, matter of fact it's their pockets that aren't healthy . Here are three Superstars:

    Body Fat Is Our Bling
Khulubuse Zuma, Recognize his Last name....

Benjamin Mophatlane of Business Connexion

IT Guru: Isaac Mophatlane, Google him!

Tito Mboweni: Previous Reserve Bank Governor, Imagine the quantity of notes this guy printed...

We all know it doesn't end here....This is just the tip of an Iceberg.
The Big boys have Body Fat finish & Klaar!

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