
Friday, 2 September 2011

ANCYL Supporters Versus The Media

ANCYL Supporters Versus The Media

Relations have never been better between the media and ANCYL followers. With supporters threatening journalists with comments such as, “We are going to beat you all by the end of the day because you are writing lies,” and rumours this morning of people gathering stones to throw at media reporting on the Malema discplinary hearing, the vibe between league supporters and journos is just awesome right now.
Beyers Naude Square in Johannesburg is where all the action is taking place today. Crowds gathered there this morning in support of Julius Malema as he awaits the ANC’s disciplinary hearing, which has been postponed to Monday.
Photographers and journalists got the message that they were not welcome loud and clear when they heard that people were picking up stones and bricks to throw at them.
It was reported that one supporter pointed a toy machine gun at an SA Press Association journalist and those standing with her. With many journos still reporting on the activity and tweeting up a storm (which in itself is arguably telling a story that’s a tad one-sided), it doesn’t sound like any life-long friendships are being forged between the ANCYL and the media today.
[Source and image: Times Live]

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