
Friday, 2 September 2011

Malema Fails! The ANC’s Charges Remain

Malema Fails! The ANC’s Charges Remain

The National Disciplinary Committee has dismissed comrade Julius Malema’s application to have the charges that have been brought against him dropped. In what represents yet another blow to the embattled youth league leader, he’ll probably be staying in and drinking some hot chocolate this evening, contemplating what life holds in store for him next.
The outspoken Malema is facing charges of creating dissent within the ruling party and bringing the ANC into disrepute for his comments on Botswana.
His trial began this week and was immediately marred by violent protesting and rioting in the centre of Johannesburg outside the ruling party’s headquarters of Luthuli House.
This earned the ANCYL supporters yet another nomination for the La Fee Absinthe-Minded moment of the week.
Comrade Derek Hanekom released a statement on the ANC’s website a little earlier:
On the 30th August 2011 Comrade Julius Malema brought an application to have all charges against him quashed. A number of arguments were advanced in support of the application.
The National Disciplinary Committee met on the 31st August 2011 and 1st September to deliberate on this application. The ruling was delivered at 09h00 this morning. The NDC dismissed comrade Julius Malema’s application to have the charges quashed.
The NDC has decided to release the entire ruling to the media for the benefit of its members, its Alliance Partners and the general public.
You can read that judgement here, but basically Comrade Julius didn’t read the ANC’s rules.
The trial will resume on Monday morning so it promises to be a quiet weekend at home for Juju.
[Source: ANC]

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