
Friday, 9 September 2011

Apple Wins: Samsung Galaxy Stays Banned In Germany For Copying iPad

Apple Wins: Samsung Galaxy Stays Banned In Germany For Copying iPad

A German court on Friday upheld an injunction requested by Apple barring the sales of Samsung Galaxy tablets in Germany. In what is surely another groundbreaking ruling against Samsung and the Galaxy Tab, the German court ruled that Samsung had basically copied Apple’s iPad.
Last month, the German court banned the Galaxy Tab 10.1 throughout the European Union, but this was later modified to apply only to Germany.
Earlier this morning, the court decided that this ban will continue to apply to the Galaxy Tab range as a whole in Germany.
Samsung is described as the biggest threat to Apple in the tablet market, as it is the second largest player after Apple and the leading manufacturer running the Google Android operating system.
Apple has argued that Samsung infringed on its patents and that the Galaxy line of smartphones and tablets “slavishly” copied the iPhone and iPad’s design, look and feel and everything about it.
Apple has sued the Korean firm everywhere from the United States, Australia, Korea, and right across Europe. [Source: Reuters via Yahoo]

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