
Friday, 9 September 2011

Washington DC And NYC Police Prepare For “Possible Terrorist Attacks” On 9/11 Anniversary

Washington DC And NYC Police Prepare For “Possible Terrorist Attacks” On 9/11 Anniversary

With this Sunday marking the ten year anniversary of 9/11, police say they are beefing up their presence in Washington DC and New York City. Rumours of possible repeat terrorist activity abound, and Homeland Security officials are investigating an “al-Quaida car bomb plot aimed at bridges or tunnels” in one of the two major US cities.
Barack Obama and former president George W. Bush will be attending an observance around the World Trade Center on Sunday, and so will thousands of extra police officers who are being deployed by the NYPD especially for the occasion, along with hundreds of surveillance cameras.
Meanwhile, the District of Columbia’s 3 800 police officers have been put on 12 hour shifts for the foreseeable future. Police Chief Cathy Lanier is taking the element of surprise very seriously indeed, saying that scheduling changes are “part of our plan” and that “maintaining a certain sense of unpredictability is essential to the success of any security plan”.
Now that really puts the mind at ease, doesn’t it?
[Source: Washington Post]

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