
Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Wacky Wednesday

Oscar Pistorius Storms Out Of BBC Interview – South African double-amputee runner Oscar Pistorius cut short a BBC radio interview after being asked whether he could be viewed as an “inconvenient embarrassment” to athletics officials for competing in able-bodied competitions. “I think that’s an insult to me and I think this interview is over,” Pistorius responded. [theage]

Alcohol Ads To Be Banned – The government plans to ban alcohol advertising in a bid to rein in violent crime fuelled by excessive drinking, the health minister said Tuesday. With one of the world’s highest crime rates, the country attracts foreign experts “just to learn to deal with wounds of injury and violence because we are regarded as a laboratory for that,” Minister Aaron Motsoaledi told reporters. [news24]

Looks Like James Murdoch DID Know About Phone Hacking - Former News of the World legal manager Tom Crone has told MPs he was “certain” he told James Murdoch about an email which indicated phone hacking at the paper went beyond one rogue reporter. Mr Crone said the email was discussed and “it was the reason that we had to settle the case”. [bbc]

iPhone 5 Launch Date Set For October 21 – The iPhone 5 will be released on the weekend that the iPod celebrates its 10th birthday, according to new rumours. Do you remember that story about the iPhone 5 being released on September 5th? Well, that was yesterday and, as you might have noticed, Apple has not released the iPhone 5. Or even announced it. [independent]

Eddie Murphy To Host 2012 Oscars – It’s official: Eddie Murphy will host the 84th annual Academy Awards, which ABC will broadcast live from the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood on Feb. 26. Brett Ratner and Don Mischer, who are producing the annual awards show, presented their choice on Tuesday to officials at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences, who signed off on Murphy hosting. [hollywoodreporter]

Chateau Lafite Grabs Record Wine Price – A 300-bottle collection of Chateau Lafite Rothschild has sold for almost $540,000 in Hong Kong, setting a world record price for a single wine lot auctioned this year. The collection spanning 1981 to 2005 was knocked down for HK$4.2 million ($539,250) at Christie’s two-day Autumn wine sale. [luxuo]

Mugabe Preaches Peace – Zimbabwe’s leader on Tuesday urged lawmakers in the troubled coalition government to preach messages of peace ahead of proposed elections — and after years of violence that rights groups blame on President Robert Mugabe and his security forces. ”Let’s in unison say no to violence in all its manifestations,” Mugabe said as he opened a new session of Parliament in Harare. [mg]

Yahoo Axes CEO – The ax has swung. Carol Bartz is out as Yahoo CEO, ending a fraught tenure that culminated in months of speculation about when she would be ousted. Yahoo announced the shakeup late Tuesday, and named Tim Morse, the company’s chief financial officer, as its interim CEO. [cnn]

Google South Korea Offices Raided – Google Inc.’s Seoul office was raided by South Korea’s antitrust regulator as part of a probe into whether the owner of the world’s largest search engine unfairly blocked competitors in the mobile-search market, a person familiar with the investigation said. The on-site investigation at Google’s office resulted from April complaints filed by NHN Corp. and Daum Communications Corp., South Korea’s two largest Internet search companies. [bloomberg]

David Petraeus Is Sworn In As New CIA Director - David Petraeus, a newly retired Army general who rose to fame as America’s top general charting US strategy in the Afghan and Iraq wars, is now America’s top spy. The general, who retired last week after 37 years in the army, was sworn in at a so-called “silent service” in a private ceremony. ”Silent” is what some in the White House want the well-connected former four-star general to remain, said two current and one former US officials. [telegraph]

.xxx Domains Go On Sale Today – Registered trademark and brand holders will get a chance to secure .xxx domains Wednesday, if only to fend off cybersquatters. The ICM Registry, which doles out domains to third parties like GoDaddy and Network Solutions, is giving brands 50 days to claim their domain. For example, Coca-Cola can grab [mashable]

Female Orgasm Remains An Evolutionary Mystery - After baffling biologists for decades, the female orgasm has resisted yet another attempt to explain its elusive evolutionary origins. A survey of orgasmic function in thousands of twins found none of the statistical patterns expected if female orgasm is just a coincidental byproduct of natural selection on its male counterpart, as has been suggested. [wired]

Local Man Arrested For Bribing Drivers License Examiner – A 47-year-old man from Muizenberg has been arrested for attempting to bribe a driving licence examiner, the City of Cape Town said on Tuesday. He had failed the driver’s licence test on two previous occasions, the city said. At the beginning of the test last Thursday, the man presented the examiner with R1 000, which was declined. But wait – he persisted.. [news24]

Madonna Disgusted By Fan’s Flowers - It was meant to be a touching gesture from an adoring fan. But after one eager audience member presented Madonna with a hydrangea, the material girl was left less than impressed. And the singer and actress was caught voicing her disgust at the gift because the press conference microphone was left on. [dailymail]

September 9 Is ‘Ass Appreciation Day’ In Honour Of Pippa’s Rear End – Never has there been a rear-end obsession like that attached to Pippa Middleton, as a nation prepares to celebrate Ass Appreciation Day in honour of the royal relative’s rump. And it’s all there on the Facebook profile: Pippa Middleton ass appreciation day. The public event is scheduled for September 9 at 11.30pm (0930 AEST Sept 10) until 2.30am (1230 AEST Sept 10) the following day. [aap]

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