Monday, 3 October 2011

Kenny Kunene's So What? causing Drama on Twitter

I have a question. How many more people has eTV mandated the So What stars to attack on Twitter? 1 per week till the end of the show or is it just for the first few episodes, to assist with creating hype and getting us to talk about it?
I didn’t think much of it when it started with Eda Rose last week because I felt they were just setting the record straight and I actually praised the show for being but I’m surprised at how its official account and stars handle criticism. While watching So What on Saturday, Dineo Ranaka, (who happens to host Club 808 on the same channel) like everyone else, tweeted her reaction to the show expressing shock at Moloko (former Miss Teen SA) referring to people as apes and her rudeness in general:
On seeing these tweets, Moloko replied…
TJO! Kenny Kunene was more polite in explaining Moloko’s Ape comments though…
It was when Dineo expressed disgust at some scenes on So What that they got on her case…
They replied…
This makes me scared. Scared to even comment about the show if my feedback is not positive because I’m worried about what they will say in return. There’s just this feeling of fear nje around this ….
I think So What on its own has enough drama and I kinda get why it isn’t on SABC but I think eTV as a channel should advice their stars that not everyone will like the show or agree with what they do and they should accept that. It’s totally okay for them to react to the criticism but surely they can do this without being so personal & intimidating the viewers?
Would the reaction perhaps have been different had it come from someone who doesn’t have a history with Kenny? (Remember the Kenny/Dineo drama?) I don’t know, but their drama aside, Dineo wasn’t the only one who felt this way about this episode on Twitter so I feel the lashing was unwarranted.
For people who claim not to care about haters/critics, this reaction is a bit disappointing Mr Sushi & team.
Now we wait to see who’s the next victim…[justcurious]

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