Monday 14 November 2011

Malema's Carte Blanche Interview

Malema said he had no intention of becoming president of South Africa.

"That position is very complicated ... even if the movement gives me a mandate to do it ... let me not be disloyal to the movement ... I will say this is too big for me."
Widening gap
He said he always wanted to be in the ANC to help and teach people.

The contentious politician, who was recently named one the most powerful young people in Africa by 
Forbes, said he was fighting for mineral resources to be shared in South Africa.

"The real enemy is white monopoly capitalists ... white dictatorship is what is happening today ... tell me I am wrong ... then I will accept.

"The gap between rich and poor is widening ... it is racialised and sexist ... it is only white men who are becoming richer, not even white females ... that will never be allowed," he said.

Asked if he hated white people, Malema said: "No, I never did too much ... They have got a special place in our hearts. They have a contribution to make in this country."[

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